The wait is over, THANK GOODNESS.

If you saw my blog post from last week talking about Ten Ways to Keep a Surprise a Secret I promised I would come back and share with you all when the gift had been revealed!


Yeah, like the United Kingdom! And the fun doesn’t stop there… we will be flying into London but touring Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland over our two week vacation. To say I am excited is an understatement.

I was able to keep the surprise from him, but I will say I was slightly disappointed in how quickly he figured it out. I should know better to underestimate his sharp mind after all of this time, but it really does take the oomph out of a well-planned reveal.

I quilted us matching stockings (literally a grandmother at the ripe age of 23) and I thought I was super clever to put some clues in his towards the UK trip. I put in one of our Harry Potter DVDs, a picture of the Hobbits and a gold ring, an old watch, a rock with the words ‘who the F*ck builds a Stonehenge?’, a Shakespeare quote, and game peices from Castles of the Mad King Ludwig and Isle of Skye.


If you and I had not talked about going to the UK at all, how quickly would you jump to that conclusion?! Because he didn’t even make it through all of the clues before figuring me out.

Also, because it is worth your time, here is the hilarious inspiration for ‘who the f*ck builds a stonehenge’ that we have found much pleasure in:

Finally, I gave him our airline tickets and he was very excited. We are starting to plan out the finer details and cannot wait for the end of April! I will have to write more posts about how we plan for vacation on a budget and some travel hacks we have discovered.

Travel is an amazing way to create lifelong memories and explore the world. There are so many amazing places to see and experiences to have that we will never get to them all. Hubby and I decided together that visiting three countries was something we needed to do before having little ones.

A year and a half ago we spent two weeks exploring France on a belated honeymoon that we will forever look back on fondly. I know this trip will be the same. Here are some photos from that amazing jaunt overseas:


There will be breathtaking views, romantic walks, castles to explore, puffins to watch, delectable foods to try, beer and whiskey, thousands of pictures, and so much time spent with my best friend. We are beyond blessed to have these experiences, and I encourage any young couple to go on an adventure together. Money will work itself out, you will never regret taking the trip of lifetime.

United Kingdom, we are coming for you. Watch out, because we have never driven on the opposite side of the road and I am not quite sure yet what your food is like, but I can’t wait to learn!

Have you ever been? Drop a comment below for places we need to see or anything we shouldn’t miss out on. Your tips are best tips, so please don’t keep them to yourself!

So much love from a very, very excited SOON TO BE DRIFTING Drifted Way <3

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