You better believe that it is National Cat Day.
They come when they want, and they conquer.
They strut… to the closest food supply.
Powered by sheer vexation and hindrance, they think they rule this world.

October 29th, people.

On this day, we unify as a population beholden to our feline friends and pay tribute to their particularized personalities. We circulate the best of the cat memes and our vast assemblages of blurred photographs. Our felines are unknowingly honored at the expense of our family and friends over numerous media platforms. Emboldened with love and unashamed, we profess our appreciation with delight.


If you’ve ever encountered a cat, you know that they come in MANY different flavors. This huge variation in what to expect from a cat attributes to both their wide internet success and their controversial reputation.

As a cat owner, you are not alone.

The cat you know and love is one of 95.6 million other pet cats in the United Sates. Their global population is estimated at 600 million.


Today you can celebrate the notable feline in your life a little extra! As a blessed cat mom myself I know how it feels to love something so fiercely while it sits on your keyboard, gouges your hands, and makes it impossible to sleep comfortably in your own bed. While our house cats prefer to be aloof or haughty, pompous or pretentious by default, it is not hard to see through their guise. As cat owners, we find great joy in their bluffing independence and encourage their ridiculous antics for the joy it brings us.

Our Adoption Story

Our cat Mola was adopted in 2016 from the local humane society to help manage my symptoms of anxiety and depression. She was an adult cat, found in a dumpster and brought into our home shortly after. She has a resting bitch face, enjoys being brushed while lying on her food bowls, playing video games with dad, and short adventures in the front yard. On my most difficult days, when it is hard to be sure of anything, I can be sure she will be ready to love me when I get home. Eventually, we felt she needed some companionship and definitely more exercise. We went back to the humane society last year looking for an adult male cat to adopt. They only had one, and he was a rough looking dude. He had been outside for a while with scabbed feet and matted, unhealthy fur. We were able to pick him up a few days later and bring him into our home.


Our two pets adjusted quickly and while they do not always see eye to eye, we often catch them sharing affectionate moments when they think we looking the other way.

img_2665.jpgThese animals have given me the opportunity to be responsible for another life when I am doubting my own. When my husband or I need a laugh, it is so easy to get them riled up. Our cats are consistent when everything around me feels tumultuous. Mola sleeps right by my side each night, and Abenthy makes sure he knows what I am doing at all times. No matter how useless or sad I may feel after a long day, these two will greet me at the door when I get home.

That consistency is so important in a life tainted with anxiety. I hope you have found similar emotional support from your feline friends!

If you own a cat or you don’t, give them an extra thought today for the companionship comfort that they represent in your life or in the life of someone you love!

Cat photos and adoption stories are highly encouraged in the comments below! Please share your story with me.


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