

This is a very exciting time of the year for me because I get to buy the “frivolous” plants I avoided in the summer months. We have a set budget and a limited amount of pots and square feet of garden to use in the spring when greenhouses open.


  • Fall means that a few pots opened up and I am starting to dread the lack of green around our condo. My haul today consisted of:
  • Lemonbalm

    Dinosaur Kale
    Elephant ear plant? And ground cover plugs of something bright green and petite (:
    Spindly grass

And a super nice pot that I am hoping is too tall for our floofer cats to crawl into for naps. That is a story for a different day, but our one floofer loves to pretend he is back in the grasslands and has destroyed many a potted plant on our deck:

So tall indoor pots are a must. Or a mistake, for the day he eventually will tip it over and spread black soil throughout the house.

These are the risks I am willing to take!

I loaded up my vehicle full of discounted plants (50% off everything!!!) and headed home to a husband that is supportive but not always thrilled to be sidestepping vines and bushes in his own home. I am beyond blessed that he understands how important these things are for me. Check this out!

Moment of truth: I know I won’t be able to keep all of these plants alive through the winter. I have killed enough plants in my short life to know I have a yellow thumb, not quite green. I’ll forget to water them, the light conditions won’t quite cut it for the finicky plants, and some might not like the pots.

This is all for a chance to learn more about plants I’ve never owned while reaping the health benefits of indoor nature!

There are a ton of studies that have been done suggesting that house plants reduce anxiety, clean the air, and boost your mood! Who doesn’t need a little boost when it’s dark before dinner and frigid outside?

This link here talks through some of these benefits in greater depth. My favorite quote from this article in case you don’t have to time read the whole thing is:

Studies have also shown that the simple, mutually giving relationship between a plant and its human caretaker fosters positive feelings of empowerment. Essentially, being responsible for a plant’s wellbeing can boost a person’s confidence.

Another article I really like from Psychology Today breaks this down more. The link is right here and includes a paragraph on how plants can also help encourage people to get along better! Anyone have children that share a space?? (;

The final article I will reference (I could go for days on this topic) can be found here. Interestingly, this site references a study done by NASA on the purification properties of indoor plants:

Extensive research by NASA has revealed that houseplants can remove up to 87 per cent of air toxin in 24 hours.

While I breathe oxygen and appreciate my plants for the filtering they do, I also struggle internally with depression and anxiety. For me, a few potted plants do even more good than the pill I take everyday. If you struggle with these things too, I highly encourage you to give this ‘taking care of plants’ method a try! And let me know if it helps!

Head on our there and get your discount plants this weekend!

Your home and your health will thank you (:

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