I am not sure. I am not a writer, I am a scientist. I am not really a reader, I am a creator. I love to work with my hands in a physical environment. Blogging is brand new to me but I am so excited to try something unknown and uncomfortable. Here is my thought process: I can read and I can write, and I have so much to say. I have so many things that I am passionate about and my precious husband has been so patient in listening to me gush. What I do read, I want to unpack. What I see and hear, I want to share. This blog is sure to be chalk full of experiments (and therefore plenty of successes and failures), motivational material, and discussions about livin’ ya best lyfe while we are on this earth.

We will talk about travel, the journey towards a sustainable home, providing for ourselves and our families, global values and local solutions. Described below, you’ll see…

  •  I adore traveling and nothing could make me happier than encouraging others to venture forth! I want to hear about where you have been and share inspiring photos and stories.
  • I have dreams upon dreams of designing and building a home from scratch, creating a magical ecosystem on land that I own, and teaching others about that process. Because it will be done. And it will be glorious.
  • Currently, ‘us’ and ‘we’ means myself, my precious husband, and our two floofers (cats, if you will). Our little family will grow someday soon and providing a healthy environment will be imperative. I want to explore what it means to be an individual, a wife, and a mother and never stop looking for ways to do those things better or in better harmony.
  • Our world was made with us in mind, and there is an abundance of beautiful values we share as humans that spark both controversy and conversation. My hope is to create a platform where open-mindedness and honesty come together to make each of us a better human and a wiser global participant.
  • Local solutions meaning your own home or office to the states we live in. We will talk about what it means to participate and grow at a local level, starting right here within the drifter community!
This will be a ton of fun. These topics are going to collide brilliantly, I can feel it in my bones. Check back each day for new posts!

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